Seeking balance: Anne Hathaway carts home an armload of self-help books about achieving harmony and health


Stocking up: Anne Hathaway made a trip to the book store in New York, on Monday

Anne Hathaway is apparently seeking a bit of balance in her life.
The 30-year-old actress stocked up on some spring reading in New York, on Monday.
But all of the literature the Les Miserables star selected clearly followed a specific theme - how to achieve equilibrium amidst change.

Spring reading: The 30-year-old purchased books on finding balance amidst a changing world

For the intellectual outing Anne wore a newsboy cap, a tear drop crystal pendant on a long silver chain, and a big comfy asymmetrical jacket.
The bookworm donned slip on shoes for the overcast day along with skinny jeans and a grey shirt.
Her porcelain complexion was nearly make-up free as she initially picked among greeting cards at the book shop.
But the newly married actress soon turned her attention to some heavier reading.

Good selection: The Academy Award winner picked among greeting cards before plunging into more heavy reading

Among the Academy Award winner's final selection was a nifty title by Nathanael Johnson on how to strike a balance between alternative natural methods and modern science when it comes to health, happiness, and ecology.
The book, All Natural, is advertised as a sceptic's guide to a radically shifting world - including climate change, organic living, killer germs, and obesity.
But that was not all, continuing her thematically-coordinated buying spree the Princess Diaries star opted for a novel by Karen Thompson Walker, titled The Age of Miracles.

Quite a catch: Anne carted home an armload of new reading material

The fictional plot centers on a young woman who survives a global catastrophe in which the world becomes topsy-turvy.
The book chronicles the heroine's struggle to achieve balance while everything falls to pieces around her - including gravity, the birds, the tides, human behavior and cosmic rhythms.
Next on her reading agenda was a how-to on attaining harmony in the kitchen - Flavour Thesaurus by Niki Segnit.
The book, written in the style of a thesaurus, teaches how to pair flavours together to achieve gustatory balance through recipes and ingredient coupling suggestions.

Bookworm: The Princess Diaries star was dressed in a stylish ensemble for her intellectual outing

And last but not least, Anne picked up a copy of American Isis: The Life and Art of Sylvia Plath By Carl Rollyson.
The biography revisits the tumultuous life of the famed poet - who achieved notoriety by chronicling her own psychic sea changes and struggle to achieve inner harmony through confessional poetry and the semi-autobiographical novel The Bell Jar.
Anne carted the armload of books home, clutching the reading material to her chest, appearing quite pleased with her day's catch.

The stack: Anne gathered her books together for purchase

source: dailymail


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